January 19th, 2016
The greatest compliment a happy, satisfied patient gives us is the referral of their family and friends to our practice. Our refer-a-friend contest is to thank you for that kindness! Each time you refer a friend or family member to our practice and they start treatment, your name will be entered into a drawing for a $200 gift certificate at Blue Ginger in Wellesley. We love that you want to spread the word about Dr. Hughes and the outstanding orthodontic care that she and her team provides at Lakewood Park Orthodontics. Thank you for your support. We enjoy seeing each and every one of our patients at their appointments and we would be honored to treat more of your family and friends. Your trust and confidence are truly appreciated.

January 2nd, 2016
Did you know that Dr. Hughes worked through college at an animal shelter in Illinois? She is a HUGE animal lover and is excited about our "Share a Basket with a Pet Event" that started at the office this week!
The goal of this event is to fill baskets with dog and cat food, blankets, kitty liter and toys to deliver to the local animal shelter. For each item a patient brings in they are entitled to fill out an entry slip to win a $50 gift card.
(That means if you brought in six cans of dog food, you can fill out 6 entry slips). Let's help make the new year a special one for a pet in need!

December 15th, 2015
The road to a winning smile requires excellent teamwork. Your orthodontist has years and years of education and experience that helps him or her put the braces on just right. The patient is also a team member, carefully brushing and flossing the teeth, avoiding hard or sticky foods which may bend or break the braces, and following all other instructions such as wearing rubber bands, bite plates and other appliances.
In recognition of our very best patients, we have developed the STAR PATIENT OF THE MONTH PROGRAM. The rules are simple; each month we keep track of all patients who have perfect check ups with us. Excellent oral hygiene, excellent cooperation and a great attitude towards your orthodontic treatment, your orthodontist and his staff are the main things we’re looking for.
Needless to say, many of our patients have perfect check ups. So, at the end of each month, we randomly select one patient from the list of perfect check ups to be PATIENT OF THE MONTH.
As a token of our appreciation, the winner receives a gift certificate to a local movie cinema, and their photograph is prominently displayed in the office and on Facebook/website. Also, these patients can rest assured that they will soon be the proud owner of a beautiful smile and healthy bite…the best reward of being a great team player!

December 9th, 2015
Thank you to everyone who brought in food for our Annual Food Drive. It was a great success and Jen and Dr. Hughes dropped the food off to the NAtick Service Council just in time for the holidays!